/** @module linalg */
* compute the length of a 2d vector
* @param {Array<float>} vec - a vector whose length we want to compute
* @returns {float} the length of the vector
export function vec_len(vec) {
return Math.sqrt(dot(vec, vec));
* computes the 2d dot product
* @param {Array<float>} u - first vector
* @param {Array<float>} v - second vector
* @returns {float} <u, v> (u dot v)
export function dot(u, v) {
return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1];
* projection of the 2d vector u on to v
* @param {Array<float>} u - first vector
* @param {Array<float>} v - second vector (onto which to project the first)
* @returns {Array<float>} the component of the first vector in the direction of the second
export function proj(u, v) {
const unit_v = normalize(v);
const dot_prod = u[0]*unit_v[0] + u[1]*unit_v[1];
return [dot_prod*unit_v[0], dot_prod*unit_v[1]];
* computes a orthogonal vector
* @param {Array<float>} vec - a vector on which to calculate the orthogonal vector
* @returns {Array<float>} a vector orthogonal of the original vector
export function normal_vec(vec, clockwise=false) {
return clockwise ? [vec[1], -vec[0]] : [-vec[1], vec[0]];
* normalizes a vector to a specific length
* @param {Array<float>} vec - the vector you want to scale
* @param {float} final_length - the length you want the final vector to end up
* @returns {Array<float>} the normalized vector
export function normalize(vec, final_length=1) {
const adjusted_vec = [];
const length_adj = vec_len(vec)/final_length;
for (const component of vec) {
return adjusted_vec;
* scale the 2d vector v by a scalar a
* @param {float} a - the scalar
* @param {Array<float>} v - the vector
* @returns {Array<float>} av
export function scale(a, v) {
return [a*v[0], a*v[1]];
* 2d vector addition
* @param {float|Array<float>} v1
* @param {Array<float>} v2
* @returns v1+v2
export function add(v1, v2) {
if (!isNaN(v1)) {
v1 = [parseFloat(v1), parseFloat(v1)];
} // incase someone passes in a scalar
return [v1[0]+v2[0], v1[1]+v2[1]];
* 2d vector subtraction
* @param {Array<float>} v1
* @param {Array<float>} v2
* @returns v1-v2
export function sub(v1, v2) {
return [v1[0]-v2[0], v1[1]-v2[1]];
* calculate the linear combination of a1*v1+a2*v2, also known as the matrix vector product
* @param {Array<float>} v1 - vector1
* @param {Array<float>} v2 - vector2
* @param {float} a1 - scalar1
* @param {float} a2 - scalar2
* @returns {Array<float>} the result of a1*v1+a2*v2
export function linear_comb(v1, v2, a1=1, a2=1) {
return add(scale(a1, v1), scale(a2, v2));
* determinant of a column major 2x2 matrix
* @param {Array<float>} v1 - first column
* @param {Array<float>} v2 - second column
* @returns {float} det([v1, v2])
export function det(v1, v2) {
return v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0];
* computes the inverse of a column major 2x2 matrix
* @param {Array<float>} v1 - first column
* @param {Array<float>} v2 - second column
* @returns {Array<Array<float>>} the inverse matrix
export function inv(v1, v2) {
const inv_det = 1/det(v1, v2);
return [scale(inv_det, [v2[1], -v1[1]]), scale(inv_det, [-v2[0], v1[0]])];