Source: index.js

/** @module index */

import * as linalg from './linalg.js';
import * as consts from './consts.js';
import * as hist from './history.js';
import * as drawing from './drawing.js';
import * as compute from './compute.js';
import * as graph_ops from './graph_ops.js';
import * as menus from './menus.js';
import * as permalink from './permalink.js';
import * as util from './util.js';
import * as ui_setup from './ui_setup.js';
import * as regex from './regex.js';

// if not in browser, don't run
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
  window.addEventListener('resize', () => drawing.draw(graph));

let graph = {};  // global graph

/** handles double click */
function bind_double_click() {
  drawing.get_canvas().addEventListener('dblclick', e => {  // double click to create vertices
    if (e.movementX || e.movementY) {
    }  // shifted, don't create
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const v = drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y);
    if (v) {
      graph_ops.toggle_final(graph, v);
    } else {
      // use the default radius if there is no vertex for reference
      const radius = (Object.keys(graph).length) ? Object.values(graph)[0].r : consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS;
      graph_ops.create_vertex(graph, x, y, radius);

 * shift the entire graph by dx and dy
 * @param {Object} e - mousemove event
function drag_scene(e) {
  const dx = e.movementX, dy = e.movementY;
  for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
    vertex.x += dx*window.devicePixelRatio;
    vertex.y += dy*window.devicePixelRatio;  // calculated in canvas pixel, which is some multiple of window pixel

 * builds a drag vertex callback function
 * @param {string} v - name of the vertex to be dragged
 * @returns {function} a callback function to handle dragging a vertex
function higher_order_drag_vertex(v) {
  const vertex = graph[v];
  let moved = false;
  drawing.get_canvas().addEventListener('mouseup', () => {  // additional event listener to hist.push_history
    if (moved) {
  }, { once:true });  // save once only

  return e => {
    [vertex.x, vertex.y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    moved = true;

 * creates a callback function to handle edge creation animation
 * @param {string} v - the vertex from which the edge is stemmed from
 * @returns {function} a function that handles drawing an edge from v on mousedrag
function higher_order_edge_animation(v) {
  const vertex = graph[v];  // convert name of vertex to actual vertex
  const canvas = drawing.get_canvas();
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  const cached_canvas = canvas.cloneNode();
  cached_canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);  // save the original image
  const restore = () => {  // helper to restore to the orignal canvas
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);  // clear
    ctx.drawImage(cached_canvas, 0, 0);  // restore
  let has_left_before = false;
  let angle1, angle2;

  canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {  // additional event listener to restore canvas and snap to vertex
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const cur_v = drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y);
    const cur_vertex = graph[cur_v];
    if (cur_v && has_left_before) {
      angle2 = Math.atan2(y-cur_vertex.y, x-cur_vertex.x);
      graph_ops.create_edge(graph, v, cur_v, angle1, angle2);  // snap to the other vertex
  }, { once:true });  // snap once only

  return e => {
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    if (drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y) === v) {
    }  // haven't left the vertex yet
    // now we are away from the vertex
    if (!has_left_before) {
      has_left_before = true;
      angle1 = Math.atan2(y-vertex.y, x-vertex.x);
    const [truncate_x, truncate_y] = linalg.normalize([x-vertex.x, y-vertex.y], vertex.r);
    drawing.draw_arrow([vertex.x+truncate_x, vertex.y+truncate_y], [x, y]);

 * creates a callback function that handles dragging an edge
 * @param {Object} edge - the edge you are dragging
 * @returns {function} a callback function that handles dragging an edge
function higher_order_drag_edge(edge) {
  const s = graph[edge.from];
  let moved = false;
  drawing.get_canvas().addEventListener('mouseup', () => {  // additional event listener to hist.push_history
    if (moved) {
  }, { once:true });  // save once only

  return e => {
    const mouse_pos = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const [start, end] = drawing.compute_edge_start_end(graph, edge);
    const mid = linalg.sub(mouse_pos, start);
    const v1 = linalg.sub(end, start);
    const v2 = linalg.normalize(linalg.normal_vec(v1), s.r);  // basis
    const [inv_v1, inv_v2] = linalg.inv(v1, v2);
    [edge.a1, edge.a2] = linalg.linear_comb(inv_v1, inv_v2, ...mid);  // matrix vector product
    moved = true;

/** binds callback functions to the mouse dragging behavior and deletes if event is dropped over trash*/
function bind_drag() {
  let mutex = false;  // drag lock not activiated
  // declare the callbacks as empty function so that intellisense recognizes them as function
  let edge_animation = consts.EMPTY_FUNCTION, drag_edge = consts.EMPTY_FUNCTION, drag_vertex = consts.EMPTY_FUNCTION;
  const canvas = drawing.get_canvas();
  canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
    if (mutex) {
    }  // something has already bind the mouse drag event
    mutex = true;  // lock
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const clicked_vertex = drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y);
    const clicked_edge = drawing.in_edge_text(graph, x, y);
    if ((e.button === consts.RIGHT_BTN || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && clicked_vertex) {  // right create edge
      edge_animation = higher_order_edge_animation(clicked_vertex);
      canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', edge_animation);
    } else if (e.button === consts.LEFT_BTN) {  // left drag
      if (clicked_edge) {   // left drag edge
        drag_edge = higher_order_drag_edge(clicked_edge);        
        canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', drag_edge);
      } else if (clicked_vertex) {  // vertex has lower priority than edge
        drag_vertex = higher_order_drag_vertex(clicked_vertex);  // create the function
        canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', drag_vertex);
      } else {  // left drag scene
        canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', drag_scene);
  canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const drop_vertex = drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y);
    const drop_edge = drawing.in_edge_text(graph, x, y);
    if (drop_vertex && drawing.over_trash(e)) { // delete vertex if dropped over trash
      graph_ops.delete_vertex(graph, drop_vertex);
    } else if (drop_edge && drawing.over_trash(e)) { // delete edge if dropped over trash
      graph_ops.delete_edge(graph, drop_edge);
    } else if (drawing.over_trash(e)) {
      delete_graph();  // delete the entire graph if dropped over trash
    canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', drag_scene);
    canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', drag_vertex);
    canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', drag_edge);
    canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', edge_animation);
    mutex = false;  // release the resource

/** replaces the default context menu */
function bind_context_menu() {
  const canvas = drawing.get_canvas();
  let last_time_mouse_press = 0;
  document.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => e.preventDefault());  // stop contextmenu from showing
  canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
    menus.remove_context_menu();  // remove old menu
    if (e.button === consts.RIGHT_BTN) {
      last_time_mouse_press = e.timeStamp;
  canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
    if (e.timeStamp - last_time_mouse_press > consts.CLICK_HOLD_TIME) {
    }  // hack
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const v = drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y);
    const edge = drawing.in_edge_text(graph, x, y);
    if (v) {
      menus.display_vertex_menu(graph, v, e.clientX, e.clientY);
    } else if (edge) {
      menus.display_edge_menu(graph, edge, e.clientX, e.clientY);

const computations = [];  // we want the computations to be persistent
/** binds each machine input to the run_input function */
export function bind_run_input() {
  const input_divs = document.getElementsByClassName('machine_input');
  const new_input_idx = input_divs.length - 1;
  const new_input = input_divs[new_input_idx];
  const textbox = new_input.querySelector('.machine_input_text');
  const run_btn = new_input.querySelector('.run_btn');
  run_btn.addEventListener('click', () => { = consts.SECOND_BAR_COLOR;
    drawing.highlight_states(graph, []);  // clear the highlighting
    computations[new_input_idx] = compute.run_input(graph, menus.machine_type(), textbox.value);  // noninteractive
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    const { value: output, _ } = computations[new_input_idx].next();  // second value always true when noninteractive
    if(menus.machine_type() === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Moore || menus.machine_type() === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Mealy) {
      window.setTimeout(() => alert(output), 0);  // alert after the color change
    } else { = output ? consts.ACCEPT_COLOR : consts.REJECT_COLOR;
    computations[new_input_idx] = undefined;
  const step_btn = new_input.querySelector('.step_btn');
  step_btn.addEventListener('click', () => { = consts.SECOND_BAR_COLOR;
    if (!computations[new_input_idx]) {
      // last param true for interactive computation
      computations[new_input_idx] = compute.run_input(graph, menus.machine_type(), textbox.value, true);
    const { value: output, done } = computations[new_input_idx].next();
    if (done) {
      if(menus.machine_type() === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Moore || menus.machine_type() === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Mealy) {
        window.setTimeout(() => alert(output), 0);  // alert after the color change
      } else { = output ? consts.ACCEPT_COLOR : consts.REJECT_COLOR;
      computations[new_input_idx] = undefined;

  const reset_btn = new_input.querySelector('.reset_btn');
  reset_btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    computations[new_input_idx] = undefined; = consts.SECOND_BAR_COLOR;
    drawing.highlight_states(graph, []);  // clear the highlighting

/** offers ctrl-z and ctrl-shift-z features */
function bind_undo_redo() {
  document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    if (e.code !== 'KeyZ' || e.altKey) {  // must not have alt pressed but must have 'z' pressed
    e.preventDefault();  // prevent input undo
    if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.shiftKey) {
      graph = hist.redo(); 
    } else if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
      graph = hist.undo(); 

/** zooming in and out */
function bind_scroll() {
  drawing.get_canvas().addEventListener('wheel', e => {
    e.preventDefault();  // prevent browser scrolling or zooming
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    const zoom_const = 1 - consts.ZOOM_SPEED*e.deltaY;
    for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
      vertex.x = x + zoom_const*(vertex.x-x);
      vertex.y = y + zoom_const*(vertex.y-y);
      vertex.r *= zoom_const;

function delete_graph() {
  if (!Object.keys(graph).length) {  // nothing to delete
  graph = {};

/** press dd does delete */
function bind_dd() {
  util.on_double_press('KeyD', delete_graph);

function hash_change_handler() {
  if (window.location.hash.length > 1) {
    const graph_str = window.location.hash.slice(1);
    const select = document.getElementById('select_machine');
    if (permalink.serialize(select.value, graph) === graph_str) {
      // debounce two types of events
      // 1. the permalink generation will trigger a hash change event, which we do not want to handle
      // 2. the user might have inputed the same graph string, so we prevent duplicate history by not hanlding

    let type;
    [type, graph] = permalink.deserialize(graph_str);
    select.value = type;
    hist.set_history_keys(type);  // set the history keys to the correct machine type
    hist.push_history(graph);     // save the graph to history
    menus.display_UI_for(type);   // change the UI elements manually
    refresh_graph();              // draw the graph

/** draw the first graph (possibly by deserializing the permalink) */
function init_graph() {

/** get the newest graph from history and draw it */
function refresh_graph() {
  graph = hist.retrieve_latest_graph();

/** handle switching machine type event */
function bind_switch_machine() {
  const select = document.getElementById('select_machine');
  select.value = consts.DEFAULT_MACHINE;  // set to default machine here too
  select.addEventListener('change', e => {
    refresh_graph();  // switching graph
    history.replaceState(undefined, undefined, '#');  // clear the permalink
  // clear the partial computations when user switches machines
  document.getElementById('select_machine').addEventListener('change', () => computations.fill(undefined));

/** handles the NFA to DFA button */
function bind_machine_transform() {
  const NFA_2_DFA_btn = document.getElementById('NFA_to_DFA');
  NFA_2_DFA_btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    graph = graph_ops.NFA_to_DFA(graph);

/** hook up the save button */
function bind_save_drawing() {
  const save_btn = document.getElementById('save_machine');
  save_btn.addEventListener('click', () => drawing.save_as_png(graph));

/** button to generate permanent link */
function bind_permalink() {
  const permalink_btn = document.getElementById('permalink');
  permalink_btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    const select = document.getElementById('select_machine');
    const graph_str = permalink.serialize(select.value, graph);
    history.replaceState(undefined, undefined, '#'+graph_str);
      .then(() => alert('Permalink copied to clipboard!'));
  window.addEventListener('hashchange', hash_change_handler);

/** change cursor style when hovering over certain elements */
function bind_mousemove() {
  const canvas = drawing.get_canvas();
  canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
    const [x, y] = drawing.event_position_on_canvas(e);
    if (drawing.in_edge_text(graph, x, y) !== null || drawing.in_any_vertex(graph, x, y) !== null ||
        drawing.over_trash(e)) { = 'pointer';
    } else { = 'auto';

/** bind context menu for side nav bar and secondary side navbar */
function bind_context_menu_navbar(){
  const navbar = document.querySelector('.nav')
  const secondBar = document.querySelector('#secondbar')
  navbar.addEventListener('click', () => {menus.remove_context_menu()})
  secondBar.addEventListener('click', () => {menus.remove_context_menu()})
  for(var btns of navbar){
    btns.addEventListener('click', () => {remove_context_menu()})

function bind_regex() {
  // let [input_field, open_btn, close_btn, union_btn, concat_btn, kleene_btn, sigma_btn, empty_btn, convert] = regex.create_buttons();
  const convert_to_nfa_btn = document.getElementById('convert_to_nfa');
  convert_to_nfa_btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    let inputString = document.getElementById('regex_string').value
    inputString = inputString.replace(/\s/g, '');
    if (regex.isValidRegex(inputString)) {
      graph = regex.process_string(inputString);
      document.getElementById('select_machine').value = 'NFA';
      // hist.push_history(graph); NEED TO IMPLEMENT HISTORY BEFORE UNCOMMENTING
    } else {
      alert("Invalid regular expression.")
  const input_field = document.getElementById('regex_string');
  input_field.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => {
    if (e.key === "Enter") {
      let inputString = document.getElementById('regex_string').value
      inputString = inputString.replace(/\s/g, '');
      if (regex.isValidRegex(inputString)) {
        graph = regex.process_string(inputString);
        document.getElementById('select_machine').value = 'NFA';
        // hist.push_history(graph); NEED TO IMPLEMENT HISTORY BEFORE UNCOMMENTING
      } else {
        alert("Invalid regular expression.")

/** run after all the contents are loaded to hook up callbacks */
function init() {
  ui_setup.add_input_bar(); // called so one input bar appears on opening of homepage
  ui_setup.htmlSetUp(); // initiate eventlisteners for sidenavbar, second sidenavbar, and popup tutorial
  init_graph();  // leave this last since we want it to override some of the above