/** @module graph_ops */
import * as hist from './history.js';
import * as drawing from './drawing.js';
import * as consts from './consts.js';
import * as compute from './compute.js';
import * as linalg from './linalg.js';
import { Queue } from './util.js';
import * as menus from './menus.js'; // I know this is a circular dep, but it makes more sense this way
import * as graph_components from './graph_components.js';
* go through the list of used names for a vertex and find the smallest unused
* @param {Object} graph - the graph in which we are looking for an unused name
* @returns the smallest unused name for a vertex
export function find_unused_name(graph) {
const prefix = 'q'; // using standard notation
let i;
for (i = 0; i <= Object.keys(graph).length; i++) { // we don't need to look further than how many elements in the set
if (!(prefix+`${i}` in graph)) {
return prefix+`${i}`;
* create a vertex at the place the user has clicked
* @param {Object} graph - the graph in which we are creating a new vertex
* @param {float} x - x position of the user mouse click wrt canvas
* @param {float} y - y position of the user mouse click wrt canvas
* @param {float} radius - the radius of the graphical element
export function create_vertex(graph, x, y, radius) {
const name = find_unused_name(graph);
const vertex = graph_components.make_vertex(name, x, y, radius, !Object.keys(graph).length);
graph[name] = vertex;
* deletes a vertex by its name as well as its associated edges
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the vertex v
* @param {string} v - the vertex you want to delete
export function delete_vertex(graph, v) {
if (graph[v].is_start) { // we will need a start replacement
for (const u of Object.keys(graph)) {
if (u === v) {
set_start(graph, u);
delete graph[v]; // remove this vertex
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
vertex.out = vertex.out.filter(edge => edge.to !== v);
* renames the vertex with the new name, if name exists, nothing will be changed and user will be prompted
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the vertex v
* @param {string} v - the vertex to rename
* @param {*} new_name - new name of the vertex
* @param {string} new_moore_output - side effect of entering the state
export function rename_vertex(graph, v, new_name, new_moore_output, no_gui) {
if (!no_gui) {
if (v === new_name && graph[v].moore_output === new_moore_output) { // nothing to do
} else if (new_name in graph && new_moore_output === undefined) { // not moore and name already exists
alert(new_name + ' already exists');
} else if (new_name === '') {
alert('vertex name cannot be empty');
} else if (new_moore_output === '') {
alert('vertex name cannot be empty');
} else {
if (v !== new_name) { // purely renaming
graph[new_name] = graph[v]; // duplicate
graph[new_name].name = new_name;
delete graph[v]; // remove old
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
for (const edge of vertex.out) {
if (edge.from === v) {
edge.from = new_name;
if (edge.to === v) {
edge.to = new_name;
if (new_moore_output !== undefined) { // purely changing the moore output
graph[new_name].moore_output = new_moore_output;
if (!no_gui) {
* mark a vertex as start
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the vertex v
* @param {string} v - name of the vertex
export function set_start(graph, v) {
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
vertex.is_start = false;
graph[v].is_start = true;
* toggle whether a vertex is accept
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the vertex v
* @param {string} v - name of the vertex
export function toggle_final(graph, v) {
const vertex = graph[v];
vertex.is_final = !vertex.is_final;
if (vertex.is_final) { // adding a circle
} else { // removing the circle, requires drawing
* check if edge has proper name and is not already in the graph
* @param {Object} graph - the graph to check the edge against
* @param {Object} edge - the edge to validate
* @returns {boolean} true iff edge valid
export function validate_edge(graph, edge) {
edge.transition = (edge.transition === '') ? consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL : edge.transition;
edge.pop_symbol = (edge.pop_symbol === '') ? edge.pop_symbol : consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL;
edge.push_symbol = (edge.push_symbol === '') ? edge.push_symbol : consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL;
edge.move = (edge.move === '') ? edge.move : consts.RIGHT; // fill in default if user erased the input
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
for (const e of vertex.out) {
if (graph_components.edge_equal(edge, e)) {
alert('the edge you are creating already exists');
return false; // same edge is already in graph
return true;
* creates an edge between two vertices and draw it on the screen
* @param {Object} graph - the graph in which we are creating a new edge
* @param {string} u - from vertex
* @param {string} v - to vertex
* @param {float} angle1 - the angle which the cursor left the from vertex
* @param {float} angle2 - the angle which the cursor entered the to vertex
* @param {string} pop_symbol - the symbol to pop on top of the stack
* @param {string} push_symbol - the symbol to push on top of the stack
export function create_edge(graph, u, v, angle1, angle2) {
const a1 = 0.5, a2 = (u === v) ? 1 : 0; // determine if self loop, then put the text somewhere else
// make edge with undefined transition to be modified by user
const edge = graph_components.make_edge(u, v, undefined, a1, a2, angle1, angle2);
const [, , mid] = drawing.compute_edge_geometry(graph, edge);
// context menu to modify the edge right after
menus.display_edge_menu(graph, edge, ...drawing.canvas_px_to_window_px(mid));
// Note: the edge is not added right away; instead it will be added after the user press enter to rename the edge
* delete an edge of the graph and draw
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the edge we want to delete
* @param {Object} edge the edge we want to get rid of
export function delete_edge(graph, edge) {
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
vertex.out = vertex.out.filter(e => !graph_components.edge_equal(e, edge));
* rename the transition of an edge
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the edge we want to rename
* @param {Object} edge the edge object of which we want to rename the transition
* @param {string} new_transition - new transition symbol
* @param {string} new_pop - new pop symbol
* @param {string} new_push - new push symbol
* @param {string} new_left_right - new move (left or right)
export function rename_edge(graph, edge, new_transition, new_pop, new_push, new_left_right, new_mealy_output) {
const new_edge = {...edge,
transition: new_transition ? new_transition : graph_components.get_empty_symbol(),
pop_symbol: new_pop ? new_pop : graph_components.get_empty_symbol(),
push_symbol: new_push ? new_push : graph_components.get_empty_symbol(),
move: new_left_right,
mealy_output: new_mealy_output ? new_mealy_output : graph_components.get_empty_symbol()
if (compute.edge_has_equiv_edge_in_graph(graph, new_edge)) { // new edge clashes with old
alert('an equivalent edge already exists');
Object.assign(edge, new_edge); // change in place
if (!compute.edge_in_graph(graph, edge)) { // edge was not part of the graph
* @param {Array<string>} states - a list of state labels that are to be combined
* @returns {string} [q3, q0, q5] -> '{q0,q3,q5}'
function combine_state_labels(states) {
// convert to array and sort
states = [...states].sort();
return '{'+ states.join(',') +'}';
* Converts a graph of an NFA to a DFA
* @param {Object} NFA - graph of an NFA to be converted to DFA
* @returns {Object} - graph of a DFA equivalent to the NFA
export function NFA_to_DFA(NFA) {
//TODO if (is already an DFA) return;
// initialize graph and make trap state
const alphabet = compute.compute_alphabet(NFA); // these will be all transitions symbols
let vertex_position = [200, 200]; // initial position of a new state
const DFA = {}; // new graph to populate
DFA[consts.TRAP_STATE] = graph_components.make_vertex(
consts.TRAP_STATE, ...vertex_position, consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS); // add a trap state
vertex_position = linalg.add(3*consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS, vertex_position); // increment vertex position
let trap_state_used = false; // assume we haven't used the trap state yet
for (const letter of alphabet) {
DFA[consts.TRAP_STATE].out.push(graph_components.make_edge(consts.TRAP_STATE, consts.TRAP_STATE, letter));
// make start state
let NFA_states = compute.closure(NFA, new Set([compute.find_start(NFA)])); // find the start states
let DFA_state = combine_state_labels(NFA_states); // merge them
DFA[DFA_state] = graph_components.make_vertex(
DFA_state, ...vertex_position, consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS, true, compute.contains_final(NFA, NFA_states));
vertex_position = linalg.add(3*consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS, vertex_position); // increment vertex position
// start BFS searching
const q = new Queue();
while (q.length) { // while still something to explore
NFA_states = q.dequeue();
DFA_state = combine_state_labels(NFA_states);
for (const letter of alphabet) { // for each letter, we add an edge
const new_NFA_states = compute.NFA_step(NFA, NFA_states, letter); // new states
if (!new_NFA_states.size) { // send to trap
DFA[DFA_state].out.push(graph_components.make_edge(DFA_state, consts.TRAP_STATE, letter));
trap_state_used = true; // mark it used so we don't delete the trap state later
continue; // done
const new_DFA_state = combine_state_labels(new_NFA_states);
if (!(new_DFA_state in DFA)) { // if we don't have that state yet, create one
DFA[new_DFA_state] = graph_components.make_vertex(new_DFA_state,
...vertex_position, consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS, false, compute.contains_final(NFA, new_NFA_states));
vertex_position = linalg.add(3*consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS, vertex_position); // increment vertex position
q.enqueue(new_NFA_states); // add this to be explored
DFA[DFA_state].out.push(graph_components.make_edge(DFA_state, new_DFA_state, letter)); // make edge
// clean up
if (!trap_state_used) {
delete_vertex(DFA, consts.TRAP_STATE);
return DFA;