/** @module graph_components */
import * as consts from './consts.js';
import { is_Mealy, is_Moore, is_Turing } from './menus.js';
* making a new vertex
* @param {string} name - name of the vertex
* @param {float} x - x cooridnate w.r.t. canvas
* @param {float} y - y cooridnate w.r.t. canvas
* @param {float} r - radius in pixels
* @param {boolean} is_start - is the vertex a start state?
* @param {boolean} is_final - is the vertex an accept state?
* @param {Array<Object>} out - neighbors, more specifically array of edges to neighbors
* @param {string} moore_output - the output associated with the vertex (for Moore machines)
* @returns {Object} the vertex as a json object
export function make_vertex(name, x, y, r, is_start, is_final, out, moore_output) {
return {
name: name,
x: x,
y: y,
r: r ? r : consts.DEFAULT_VERTEX_RADIUS,
is_start: is_start ? is_start : false,
is_final: is_final ? is_final : false,
out: out ? out : [],
moore_output: moore_output ? moore_output : consts.DEFAULT_MOORE_OUTPUT,
highlighted: false // a vertex is lit up during running the machine if it is in the current state
* Check which user interface we are on and return the appropriate empty symbol
* @returns {string} ☐ if dealing with Turing machine and ε otherwise
export function get_empty_symbol() {
if (is_Turing()) {
return consts.EMPTY_TAPE;
} else if(is_Moore() || is_Mealy()) {
} else {
return consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL;
* making a new edge
* @param {string} from - from vertex
* @param {string} to - to vertex
* @param {string | undefined} transition - transition symbol
* @param {float} a1 - first coordinate for the edge basis
* @param {float} a2 - second cooridnate for the edge basis
* @param {float} angle1 - start angle for self loop
* @param {float} angle2 - end angle for self loop
* @param {string} pop_symbol - the read symbol
* @param {string} push_symbol - the write symbol
* @param {string} move - whether move left of right
* @param {string} mealy_output - output for a Mealy machine
* @returns {Object} the edge as a json object
export function make_edge(from, to, transition, a1, a2, angle1, angle2, pop_symbol, push_symbol, move, mealy_output) {
if (from === to && (angle1 === undefined || angle2 === undefined)) {
angle1 = 0, angle2 = Math.PI/2, a1 = 0.5, a2 = 1;
} else if (a1 === undefined || a2 === undefined) {
a1 = 0.5, a2 = 0;
} // making sure edges are properly drawn
return {
from: from,
to: to,
transition: transition ? transition : get_empty_symbol(),
a1: a1,
a2: a2,
angle1: angle1,
angle2: angle2,
pop_symbol: pop_symbol ? pop_symbol : get_empty_symbol(),
push_symbol: push_symbol ? push_symbol : get_empty_symbol(),
move: move ? move : consts.RIGHT,
mealy_output: mealy_output ? mealy_output : consts.DEFAULT_MEALY_OUTPUT
* check if the two edges are equal up to graphical representation
* @param {Object} e1 - edge 1
* @param {Object} e2 - edge 2
* @returns {boolean} true iff equal
export function edge_equal(e1, e2) {
return e1.from === e2.from &&
e1.to === e2.to &&
e1.transition === e2.transition &&
e1.pop_symbol === e2.pop_symbol &&
e1.push_symbol === e2.push_symbol &&
e1.move === e2.move &&
e1.mealy_output === e2.mealy_output;