/** @module compute */
import * as consts from './consts.js';
import * as drawing from './drawing.js';
import { edge_equal } from './graph_components.js';
/** given a graph and its input, compute the input alphabet */
export function compute_alphabet(graph, input) {
const alphabet = new Set();
for(const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
for(const e of vertex.out) {
if(input) {
for(let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
return alphabet;
* finds the start vertex
* @param {Object} graph - the graph whose starting vertex is to be computed
* @returns {string} the start of the graph, null of graph empty
export function find_start(graph) {
for (const [v, vertex] of Object.entries(graph)) {
if (vertex.is_start) {
return v;
return null;
* compute the set of closure of current states (in-place and returns)
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the cur_states
* @param {Set<string>} cur_states - current states the machine is in
* @returns {Set<string>} the closure of cur_states
export function closure(graph, cur_states) {
for (const v of cur_states) { // sets are interated in insertion order, so is BFS by default
for (const edge of graph[v].out) {
if (edge.transition === consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL) {
return cur_states;
* checks if the set of states provided contains a final state
* @param {Object} graph - the graph containing the cur_states
* @param {Set<string>} cur_states - the set of current states we want to check if any is a final state
* @returns {boolean} true iff some state in cur_states is a final state
export function contains_final(graph, cur_states) {
for (const v of cur_states) {
if (graph[v].is_final) {
return true;
return false;
* a single step of the NFA running algorithm
* @param {Object} graph - the NFA of interest
* @param {Set<string>} cur_states - all possible states the machine is in
* @param {string} symbol - the transition symbol
* @returns {Set<string>} a new set of states after the transition
export function NFA_step(graph, cur_states, symbol) {
const new_states = new Set();
for (const v of cur_states) {
for (const edge of graph[v].out) {
if (edge.transition === symbol) {
return closure(graph, new_states);
* a single step of the NFA running algorithm
* @param {Object} graph - the Mealy machine of interest
* @param {string} cur_state - current state of the machine
* @param {string} symbol - the transition symbol
* @returns {Object} the output of the transition and the next state
export function mealy_step(graph, cur_state, symbol) {
let next_state;
let output;
for (const edge of graph[cur_state].out) {
if(edge.transition === symbol) {
next_state = edge.to;
output = edge.mealy_output;
return { next_state, output };
export function moore_step(graph, cur_state, symbol) {
let next_state;
for (const edge of graph[cur_state].out) {
if(edge.transition === symbol) {
next_state = edge.to;
return next_state;
* check if the input is accepted
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} input - input string
* @returns {Iterable} a generator that evaluates to true iff the input is accepted by the machine
function* run_input_NFA(graph, input, interactive=false) {
let cur_states = closure(graph, new Set([find_start(graph)])); // find closure of start
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, cur_states);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
cur_states = NFA_step(graph, cur_states, input.charAt(i));
if (!cur_states.size) { // can't go anywhere
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, cur_states);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, i+1);
if (i === input.length-1) { // last step
} else {
return contains_final(graph, cur_states);
* Compute the (almost) closure of PDA states stored inside the queue q and add them to the queue
* Note that we only evaluate all the epsilon transitions once to speed up computation
* @param {Object} graph
* @param {Map<string, Array>} cur_configs - an array of configurations [vertex_name, stack, remaining_input]
* we package it in a set to deduplicate
function PDA_closure(graph, cur_configs) {
let original_len = cur_configs.size;
for (const [v, stack, remaining_input] of cur_configs.values()) {
for (const edge of graph[v].out) {
const {transition, to, pop_symbol, push_symbol} = edge;
const stack_copy = [...stack], input_copy = [...remaining_input]; // deep clone the input and stack
if (transition !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL) { // not spontaneous transition
if (pop_symbol !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL && pop_symbol !== stack_copy.pop()) { // stack mismatch
if (push_symbol !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL) { // add to the stack
cur_configs.set(JSON.stringify([to, stack_copy, input_copy]), [to, stack_copy, input_copy]);
if (!original_len) { // we have evaluated all the original configurations
break; // break to prevent infinite loop after adding new configurations
* Extract a list of vertices from a map of configurations
* @param {Map<string, Array>} cur_configs - a map of whose values are [vertex_name, stack, remaining_input]
* @returns Set<string> a set of vertex names
function config_to_vertices(cur_configs) {
const cur_vertices = new Set();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
for (const [v, _, __] of cur_configs.values()) {
return cur_vertices;
* step through the the computation of PDA with BFS
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} v - starting vertex
* @param {Array<string>} remaining_input - input string split into char array
* @param {int} allowed_depth - the computation will halt and return false if the BFS tree is deeper than this
* @returns {Iterable} a generator that evaluates to true iff the input is accepted by the machine
function* BFS_step(graph, v, remaining_input, interactive=false, allowed_depth=64) {
let stack = []; // the computational stack
let cur_configs = new Map(), nxt_configs = new Map(); // the current configurations [vertex, stack, remaining_input]
cur_configs.set(JSON.stringify([v, stack, remaining_input]), [v, stack, remaining_input]);
PDA_closure(graph, cur_configs);
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, config_to_vertices(cur_configs));
drawing.viz_PDA_configs(graph, cur_configs);
while (cur_configs.size && allowed_depth --> 0) {
// process all configurations on a single depth of the BFS tree
for (const [v, stack, remaining_input] of cur_configs.values()) {
for (const edge of graph[v].out) {
const {transition, to, pop_symbol, push_symbol} = edge;
const stack_copy = [...stack], input_copy = [...remaining_input]; // deep clone the input and stack
if (transition !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL && transition !== input_copy.pop()) {
continue; // input mismatch
if (pop_symbol !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL && pop_symbol !== stack_copy.pop()) {
continue; // stack mismatch
// now we can go since both transition and stack match
if (push_symbol !== consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL) { // add to the stack
if (graph[to].is_final && !input_copy.length) { // final state + exhausted input
if (interactive) {
const cur_vertices = config_to_vertices(cur_configs);
drawing.highlight_states(graph, cur_vertices);
return true;
nxt_configs.set(JSON.stringify([to, stack_copy, input_copy]), [to, stack_copy, input_copy]);
PDA_closure(graph, nxt_configs);
if (interactive) {
if (nxt_configs.size) { // not the last step
drawing.highlight_states(graph, config_to_vertices(nxt_configs));
drawing.viz_PDA_configs(graph, nxt_configs);
} else {
return false;
cur_configs = nxt_configs;
nxt_configs = new Map(); // swap the buffers
return false; // either stuck or exhausted step limit
* check if the input is accepted
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} input - input string
* @param {boolean} interactive - whether to show the computation step by step
* @returns {Iterable} a generator that evaluates to true iff the input is accepted by the machine
function run_input_PDA(graph, input, interactive) {
const v = find_start(graph);
const remaining_input = input.split('').reverse();
return BFS_step(graph, v, remaining_input, interactive);
* check if the input is accepted
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} input - input string
* @param {int} allowed_steps - the computation will halt and return false if the step limit is reached
* @returns {Iterable} a generator that evaluates to true iff the input is accepted by the machine
function* run_input_Turing(graph, input, interactive=false, allowed_steps=512) {
const tape = {}; // we use an object instead of array to have negative index
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
tape[i] = input[i]; // copy all input over
let tape_idx = 0; // starting tape index
let cur_state = find_start(graph);
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_TM_tape(tape, tape_idx);
let stuck = false; // whether we are out of legal transitions
while (!stuck && !graph[cur_state].is_final && allowed_steps --> 0) {
stuck = true; // assume we are stuck and change to not stuck in the loop
for (const edge of graph[cur_state].out) {
if (!tape[tape_idx]) { // fill in empty if tape null/undefined
tape[tape_idx] = consts.EMPTY_TAPE;
if (edge.transition !== tape[tape_idx]) { // cannot take this transition
cur_state = edge.to; // go to next state
tape[tape_idx] = edge.push_symbol; // write to tape
tape_idx += (edge.move === consts.LEFT) ? -1 : 1; // move tape needle
stuck = false; // we just moved, so not stuck
break; // determinism, so can't multi-branch
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_TM_tape(tape, tape_idx);
if (graph[cur_state].is_final) {
return true;
} else if (stuck) {
return false;
} else {
return graph[cur_state].is_final;
* check if the input is accepted
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} input - input string
* @param {boolean} interactive - whether to show the computation step by step
* @returns {Iterable} a generator that evaluates to the final output of the machine
function* run_input_Mealy(graph, input, interactive) {
let cur_state = find_start(graph); // find closure of start
let output_string = '';
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
let mealy_output = mealy_step(graph, cur_state, input.charAt(i));
cur_state = mealy_output.next_state;
output_string += mealy_output.output;
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, i+1);
if (i === input.length-1) { // last step
} else {
return output_string;
function* run_input_Moore(graph, input, interactive) {
let cur_state = find_start(graph);
let output_string = graph[cur_state].moore_output;
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
cur_state = moore_step(graph, cur_state, input.charAt(i));
output_string += graph[cur_state].moore_output;
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, [cur_state]);
drawing.viz_NFA_input(input, i+1);
if (i === input.length-1) { // last step
} else {
return output_string;
* determines whether the machine is PDA or normal NFA and checks if the input is accepted
* @param {Object} graph - machine graph
* @param {string} machine_type - type of machine the graph represents
* @param {string} input - input string
* @param {boolean} interactive - whether to step through and highlight the computation
* @returns {Iterable} return a generator that
* if noninteractive, evaluates to the final accept/reject immediately in one step
* if interactive, evaluates step by step with highlight
export function run_input(graph, machine_type, input, interactive=false) {
if (interactive) {
drawing.highlight_states(graph, []); // clear all highlights
if (!Object.keys(graph).length) { // empty graph
return 'The graph is empty; nothing to do...';
} else if (machine_type === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.NFA) {
return run_input_NFA(graph, input, interactive);
} else if (machine_type === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.PDA) {
return run_input_PDA(graph, input, interactive);
} else if (machine_type === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Turing) {
return run_input_Turing(graph, input, interactive);
} else if (machine_type === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Mealy && is_DFA(graph, input)) {
return run_input_Mealy(graph, input, interactive);
} else if (machine_type === consts.MACHINE_TYPES.Moore && is_DFA(graph, input)) {
return run_input_Moore(graph, input, interactive);
/** given an NFA, check if it is in fact deterministic */
export function is_DFA(NFA, input) {
const alphabet = compute_alphabet(NFA, input);
for(const vertex of Object.values(NFA)) {
const outgoing = [];
for(const e of vertex.out) {
if(outgoing.includes(consts.EMPTY_SYMBOL)) {
return false;
if(outgoing.length < alphabet.size) {
let missing_transitions = '';
let alpha_array = Array.from(alphabet);
for(let i = 0; i < alpha_array.length; i++) {
if(!outgoing.includes(alpha_array[i])) {
missing_transitions += alpha_array[i] + ', ';
alert('Missing transitions ' + missing_transitions.substring(0, missing_transitions.length - 2) + ' for ' + vertex.name);
return false;
} else if(outgoing.length > alphabet.size) {
let extra_transitions = '';
for(let i = 0; i < outgoing; i++) {
if(!alphabet.has(outgoing[i])) {
extra_transitions += outgoing[i] + ', ';
alert('Extra transitions ' + extra_transitions.substring(0, extra_transitions.length - 2) + ' for ' + vertex.name);
return false;
return true;
* computes if the edge is the same as another one already in graph up to graphical representation
* @param {Object} graph
* @param {Object} edge
* @returns {boolean} true iff edge in graph
export function edge_has_equiv_edge_in_graph(graph, edge) {
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
for (const e of vertex.out) {
if (edge_equal(e, edge)) {
return true;
return false;
* computes if the edge IS already in graph
* @param {Object} graph
* @param {Object} edge
* @returns {boolean} true iff edge in graph
export function edge_in_graph(graph, edge) {
for (const vertex of Object.values(graph)) {
for (const e of vertex.out) {
if (edge === e) {
return true;
return false;